Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Is there a new call of duty on the horizon?

According to activision, the answer is yes. There is still a ton of speculation, but I was able to find out some very interesting pieces of information. Soooo...since I love a good piece of gossip, I couldn't keep it to myself. Here's what we know for certain: there will be a new installment and it will be in the later portion of this year ( October or November ). It will not be black ops. But that isn't surprising considering black ops 2 is still brand new.
As exciting as it is to think about the new game coming out, activision isn't expecting it to do as well as other installments. Which personally I do not think has anything to do with the game or concept itself. But rather, people wanting to wait on the new consoles to come out. Which playstation and Xbox already have in motion, and may very well be releasing around the same time frame as the new call of duty game. So will this be one of the games that entices you to buy the next big thing, console wise that is. Personally, I think thats playing dirty.If it proves to be the case.Then of course there is the problem of Ongoing economic crises.But, I'm pretty sure any gamer will find a way, haha. I know I will.
Now here is a little bit of speculation. What will it be called? It was announced before modern warfare 2 that the Modern warfare line would be a trilogy. So lets see ( counts fingers on one hand) yep we've already had three ! It is rumored that activision already owns the rights to some options that may be in the running but only time will tell. So what are they you ask? I'll tell you. Because if they are right then the name would be a huge factor in what the game will be about and like. The first is Space warfare 1,2 and 3. So needless to say I think we know where that would take place. But sort of puts me in the mind set of halo. So would they chance losing their footing in something that is already dominated , and successfully might I add? I do not know, but maybe they are looking to expand their target audience. The next is Secret warfare 1,2 and 3. Which in my opinion sounds a little more believable. But somehow ,still a bit corney sounding.
So there we have it. Our next cod fix is coming soon, not soon enough for me, but I'm sure you share my pain in that. So here's to the future! New games , new consoles and of course along with that comes a new line of noobs, Haha.See ya on the game!

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