Monday, March 11, 2013

Tomb raider returns


Hey all! So I'm a long time tomb raider fan. Just today I bought the new tomb raider, and I have to say....I am not disappointed . The multiplayer leaves something to be desired ( its no call of duty,lol) but the game itself holds nothing back. Visually it keeps you intrigued ,while pulling you more into the story. I would say this is a great game for those who've never played TR a day in their life considering its sort of a " how Laura becomes well, Laura croft the tomb raider" . I was eagerly anticipating this game , and I'm more impressed then I expected to be, lol. So basically what I'm saying is , if your not sure if you'll be happy, you will be. Also, if you've never played it before its definitely one to check out. I mean come on, we're all girls here and who doesn't want a game that can hold its own with the big dogs, AND you get to play as a female. Which is rare these days. Male domination....we shall destroy you, lol. Sorry but I had to show some love, I just got home with it earlier and just came up for air four hours later ;)

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